Thursday, 24 December 2009

Name of the paired structures derived from the Latin word "acorn". They can take their internal bodies, but they are accessible to visually surveyed. They are designed for immune function, but when less than let their opportunities are exhausted, they are better hut twist that they do not become peddler infection. What is it?

The scientists, physiologists believe that this - the cereals HYDRATED organ of the human body. Transfers of its parts in very long time. But still no one managed to transplant the whole thing. Name this body.

It is believed that this musician had Marfan syndrome, characterized by a tall, thin figure, not supplementary development muscles, unusually long limbs and extremely flexible joints. Who is he?

The human body consists of water by 75%, blood - 90%, bone tissue contains its 40%. And what a strong part of the person contains the least water?

Leonardo da Vinci wrote: "No body does not need such a large number of muscles, like this, and they know 24, not counting the others that I have discovered, and from all members, who move to arbitrary motion , odes to excel in the number of movements. What is it?
On language.

If you attach a pedometer to your belt, it will work well, as if to a headdress – no. Why?
Spine damps vibrations (that's why he and not direct).

Ancient Greek sculptor Polycleitus (5. BC. E.) Worked out the proportions of the human body. Head, hands, feet, he had expressed in the growth stakes. For example, in line with the brush! / 10 of the growth, foot - '/ 6 part of growth, and what part of the body corresponded to the proportion of' / 7?

In 1900, K. Landsteiner, dividing all humane four groups of blood, made them the letter WIDE notation: "A", "B", "AB", ... Name the fourth option.
But not guessed! "0" (zero).

In the early 1990's. in the desert of Arizona (USA) built grand buildings of glass and steel that took consisting of 7 organic within which imitated the forest, steppe, desert, swamp, and even a small ocean. Under their roofs, interconnected, there are over 3 thousand varieties of plants and animals. So on once created a miniature replica vast world, title "Biosphere 2". Why did the first experiment was assigned number 2?
Because it gave priority to the establishment of the biosphere Earth.

Many people in Bangladesh and India, living in the woods, go hunting with wearing on his head plastic masks depicting the faces. For what purpose?
To protect themselves from attack by the tigers (they only attack the person behind).

What is fundamentally different from the river turbines from turbines, using a tidal wave?
The latter can operate in both directions of flow.

Chinese scientists succeeded in transplanting a gene arctic fish sugar beet. Of course, the beets do not studied at the same swim, but has become a very valuable quality. What?
Frost resistance.

Implementing the program of "blooming desert", in Saudi Arabia withdrew heat-resistant olive trees, which is poured over ... What?
Sea (salt) water.

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