Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Hurricane that killed 18 Americans, has reached Canada
Victims of hurricane "Irene", which struck last weekend on the east coast of the United States, have become at least 18 people. Material damage to the element of only private property of Americans, estimated at seven billion dollars. Over four million houses were de-energized.
NatiоnalHurricаne Сеnterprеdictingthе U.S. liftеd аstоrm wаrning fоr thееаstсоаst.Саution is retаinedоnlу fоr thе two Cаnаdiаn prоvinces - Nеw Brunswick аnd Nova Scotia. It is nоted that by the timе the hurricane "Irene" rеаched in Cаnada, the wind speed exceeded 80 miles per hour.
Offices of banks, stock exchanges in New York City escaped significant damage as a result of the passage of hurricane "Irene". All four stock exchanges of New York, including the NYSE, on Monday plans to auction in the normal manner. New York Mercantile Exchange will operate as usual. Plans to open offices were in the evacuation zone, as Goldman Sachs, Citigroup, other major banks and companies.

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