In ancient times it was taken to the girls at the initiation rite, but when the boy fell ill tabes, she daubed him a test and ... What is known from childhood, she went through the procedure with him?
You know, stick a few moments at the shovel in the oven (the same "evil" Baba-Yaga).
The monument of old Russian literature "exhortation - tion Vladimir Monomakh" begins with these words: "Sitting on the sled, I thought on in his soul and gave praise to God, which until now days me, a sinner, kept ..." Co - read that sled - an inconvenient place for literary work. Why is it with these words began the message?
Transportation of the deceased's body on a sledge - part immersed- ballroom ceremony in Ancient Rus. The expression "sitting on the sa - exercises appropriate ..." means "at the end of life."
Nepal since time immemorial, there - on a number of betrothal 8 - 12 year old girls from a tree. So about once - parents save her daughter from death. Which?
The burning at the stake along with the body of the deceased husband (because she's the wife of the tree).
So far in India every year Regis - Trier several thousand cases of sati (samosozhzhe - Nia). And distinguish 2 types of sati: "Sajama-wound" - death, along with her husband who died in the fire and "Anu Marana" - death alone. Only one reason mo - Jette force these women to postpone their death to a non - many days. What?
If at that time she was "unclean".
In times of chivalry, when it was impossible to determine which of the two contending rights, resorted to by - Edinka, believing that God will help the right. The beginning of 14. France had a very unusual duel: against best friend killed by a knight fighting armed fell - Khoi and shield the enemy. What was the uniqueness of the fight?
Killer had fought with the dog killed (of course, the dog tore a villain).
Pagan sacrifice of a bull left in the Initiator - Noah, the darkest part of Judaism. This ritual Podraza - MEVA separation of functions. One of the participants drove the bull in the corner (CUT), and the other killed him. These two professions have generated a significant number of carriers, respectively ¬ sponding names. One of them - Kutnik. Name the WTO - Rui, widely known name.
Resnick (according to other sources, butcher - someone who Osu - mented rite of circumcision).
An essential attribute of this holiday in Russia were fistfights, and in some provinces, and arranged the assault of snow town. Give holiday.
In the north of South Africa pro ¬ ues bavenda tribe, whose New Year's Day at - nyato organize the inauguration ceremonies for girls in Brac ¬ HYDRATED age. On this day, all dressed up and decorated by girls 13-14 years collected from the hut of the leader, shot - ivayutsya chain, and holding each other's elbows, dancing and stopping a few hours of motion - zhutsya on the village square. What kind of animal, for me - Niya bavenda, is the guardian of their tribe?
Python (and they portray him this way).
Oil, grease, lard ancient times were considered not only NAI - more nutritious food for people. In indoariys-Coy Rigveda (10. And to. E.) Described as sacred zhert - you rubbed bacon and gods and burned. Old Testament (7-2 cc. BC. E.) Introduces the rite of anointing with oil (olive oil with additives), symbolizing God's permission on a certain power on earth in His name. And what a feast of the Orthodox in Russia, appeared in shiysya - 1b in. and rooted in Paganism, distinguishes - Xia abundance of this product?
Shrovetide (the eve of Lent, meeting the spring. From - mark as burning straw effigies - the symbol of winter - and cookies pancakes - the symbol of the sun - which will certainly eat with butter).
According to the Talmud, Yahweh judges the world 4 times per year: the Feast of Pentecost, when the final set - tion of the harvest and fruit picking, the Feast of Tabernacles, which solves the problem of precipitation throughout the year, in celebration of New Year, when the fate of people ... And when he decides ca ¬ Kim will harvest in the coming year?
At Easter.
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