Thursday, 12 November 2009

In celebration of Indian residents Nagpanchami villages, where highly-developed cult of these creatures, bring them out of the woods and released in their yards and streets. Everyone is trying to decorate them with flowers, drink milk, fuel-nymph oil, sweet rice treat, and the most daring hang their garlands around his neck.
Holiday cobras (all other snakes Indians call collective word "sap". On this day, a cobra, whose venom can kill a man just a few minutes, - something not bite).

Most likely, the Chinese have adopted this ancient festival of the Indians, but they believe he nucleation ¬ became firmly established in the early years of China. According to legend, one mandarin lost on the river its united - perform economic daughter. In the search was joined all de0. Indonesian holiday Puliaydzhat Day is appeasement, and at the same time very day ¬ anniversary. All the young people, which has reached a certain age, gets the day kind of passport, which does not leave all his life for a second. To do this, the village invited a special master. What is his job?
Tattooing (boys with Prohibition - but groan).

The Japanese think that the dogs are barking like this: "Wang-Wang-Wang". Now try to name the date when Japan celebrating the Day of the dog.
January 11.

In many cities feast CEE - comrade. A feast of colors which are regularly arranged in the middle of May in the U.S. city of Holland?
Tulips (in this city are living descendants of Dutch emigrants).

Weddings and marriages

In the Spanish city Mayalde there is an Oba - tea: the wedding day relatives and friends Suite hang them next to his feet and hold up so long as they are ... What should make the young people?

Reshma In the city of Kostroma region will fix ¬ van custom, which on the third day after the wedding, the young were being taken to "train" of several sled. "Train" all bedecked with bells and birch brooms. And where he goes?
In the bath.

In Tahiti, the couple, dressed in a G of - mating, nuptial agreement to sign the bark. What is it ink?

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