Friday, 6 November 2009

Slavs had a consuetude during name-days to allow on the circle of table a bowl with початой water, and every guest, before to take a sip a mouthful, offered the wish a person celebrating his the name-day. What must was a person celebrating his the name-day do?
To drink a bowl to the dregs (we and now talk in parallel instances a toast with some wish, holding glass of wine in a hand. A chance to come true him is not great only, as does not give drink, to absorbing him, to reach to the addressee).

Before it was on Easter accepted to give wooden eggs with an image on one of sides of subject of Resurrection Christly. And that would be represented on other side, if would be complimented with identical eggs, for example, A. S. Pushkinu and And. V. to Suvorovu, M. I. Kutuzovu и М. U. Lermontovu, and A. P. Chekhovu и L. N. Tolstomu - different?
Tezoimenityy saint.

In England this action was always considered a boor. In France of him can allow only feme coverts, and that not in the street. In Germany, Spain, Russia it is ordinary in relation to any woman regardless of domestic position. Well and in Greece it is allowed only in relation to a priest. What does speech go about?
Kissing of hand.

In Netherlands there was a consuetude to attach outside at home frog. Guessing, who it was wanted to entice thus, say: about what did dream in this house?
About a child (thus enticed a stork, as it was considered that he brought children in a house).

Travelers-eyewitnesses describe zulu wives as very diligent and hard-working. But all persistently the wife of poor man of zulu works then, when in a hope to facilitate the fate collects facilities on a purchase ... What?
Second wife.

In some monogynopaediums of Malaysia a hostess sometimes begins to transfer the names of all relatives and relatives of the husband to 10- of 15th knee. What moment does it halt it in?
When a child falls asleep (the monotonous sorting out of the names serves an original lullaby).

If did you live in England 16 в. and would be a debtor, what did you do in order to avoid an arrest for debts?
It would be at a home (a debtor can not it was be arrested in his house, about that and proverb: «My house is my fortress»).

In the Russian patriarchal monogynopaedium to each the place was taken: an owner sat under appearances, «masculine» benchs stood along the «long» wall of log cabin, before windows virgins and children sat down on a street. And where was a place of home-maker?
With to the edge (that more comfortable it was to serve up).

In this establishment, sounding in English as a «whorehouse», women are allowed only escorted by men, and children - escorted by adults and only from 14 years. In exemplary establishments every permanent client has the key and always permanent ... Name a word.
Mug (Public haus is the English beerhouse).
On the way of «mad army» slavs put various traps as the inverted harrow, brooms and pitchforks, laid out a cross. Byelorussia locked horse, and малороссы hung burning nettle on the thresholds of doors. Name the date of these actions.
Walpurgis-night (night on May, 1, when catholic holiday of memory the saint of Val'purgii coincided with a heathen holiday - шабашем witches).

In Western Europe as early as 15 в. there was such consuetude: before the beginning of new land development laid out the pieces of raw meat on earth. Was it done for what purpose?
In those places, where meat decayed quick, buildings were not put (геопатогенные areas were so determined).

Annually the government of England selects the certain sum of money on maintenance of this eight. When someone dies from them, bury him on the special cemetery in London Tauere. In 1995 to six it was brought remaining from Scotland of two new guards of lock with the names of Munin and Khugin. They carry the honorable duty for the term of life. Why are they unable to abandon the guarded object?
They have cut wings (it is crows).

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